Grounding Criminal Justice Policy in Facts and Evidence
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Homicide, Most Other Violent Crimes Fall Below Pre-Pandemic Levels in U.S. Cities
New CCJ analysis of 2024 crime trends also shows year-over-year decreases
in 12 of 13 offenses, with only reported shoplifting continuing its recent rise

Crime Trends in U.S. Cities: Year-End 2024 Update
Homicide and most other violent crimes have fallen below pre-pandemic levels in a sample of 40 U.S. cities. CCJ’s year-end 2024 analysis also shows a year-over-year decrease in 12 of 13 major offenses, with shoplifting the lone exception.

UpClose With Jamila Hodge
This month’s spotlighted member is Jamila Hodge, executive director of Equal Justice USA. In her interview, Hodge discusses how the criminal justice field addresses violent crime and the importance of identifying solutions that address the underlying drivers of violence.

Event Recording: AI in Criminal Justice – Navigating Opportunities and Risks
On December 4, 2024, the Council on Criminal Justice hosted a live webinar on the risks and opportunities related to using artificial intelligence in the criminal justice system.

Trends in Carjacking: What You Need to Know
This analysis examines carjacking trends from 2018-2023 and compares them with trends for non-carjacking robbery and motor vehicle theft. It also explores offense characteristics for carjacking, including the use of firearms as well as victimization and case clearance rates.

Can Suicide be Predicted for Justice-Involved Veterans?
Military veterans have more than twice the risk of suicide death as non-veterans. This brief examines a federal program designed to identify veterans with the highest suicide risk in order to provide enhanced outreach and support. It finds that the prediction model had low accuracy for identifying veterans who died by suicide.