Upclose with members
Our UpClose series invites members to participate in a short conversation about highlights of their work, meaningful experiences related to criminal justice, and CCJ’s value to the field.

UpClose With Janelle Melohn
Our newest member video spotlights Janelle Melohn, a member of CCJ’s Board of Trustees. Melohn discusses the challenges victims and survivors have faced during the pandemic and how the victims services field has evolved.

UpClose With Jessica Hulsey
In the October member feature, Jessica Hulsey of Addiction Policy Forum discusses the unique challenges the pandemic created for individuals with substance use disorders. Watch the video to hear Hulsey’s thoughts on actions the U.S. should prioritize as it addresses substance use and what all of us can do to reduce stigma around addiction.

UpClose With Alex Piquero
In the latest installment of the Council’s member video feature, Dr. Alex Piquero, Chair of the Department of Sociology at the University of Miami, discusses his research on the increase in domestic violence during the pandemic and shares some thoughts on police reform.

UpClose With Wendy Still
This month, our monthly member feature, UpClose, highlights Wendy Still, a CCJ member and Chief Probation Officer in Alameda County, CA. During the interview, Still shares how community supervision has shifted to include a more holistic, needs-based approach and the way that her work implements these newer practices. Watch the video to learn more.

UpClose With Eduardo Bocanegra
Eduardo Bocanegra discusses the challenges his organization, READI Chicago, faces as it works to reduce urban gun violence, his optimism given the diverse set of leaders now engaged on the problem, and how his experience as a formerly incarcerated person shapes his perspective.

UpClose With Cynthia Lum
Our video feature this month spotlights Dr. Cynthia Lum, professor of Criminology, Law and Society and director of George Mason University’s Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy. A leading authority on evidence-based policing, and a member of CCJ’s Task Force on Policing, Dr. Lum discussed what lies ahead for American law enforcement and the key barriers to reform.