
Meet The Team

Thaddeus Johnson

Senior Fellow

Dr. Thaddeus L. Johnson, a former law enforcement official in Tennessee, is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Criminal Justice. A policing, crime control, and governance equity expert, he has conducted extensive research on police lethality and coercion, street violence, recidivism, algorithmic and predictive bias, and correctional control. Dr. Johnson is also an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice & Criminology at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. He is the author or co-author of numerous articles and reports and a book entitled Deviance among Physicians: Fraud, Violence, and the Power to Prescribe. In addition to having his research featured in national media outlets, he has written on police and justice reform issues for the popular press and appeared on numerous broadcast radio and TV news programs in the US, Europe, and Australia. Dr. Johnson received his PhD in Criminal Justice & Criminology from Georgia State University and his MS in Criminal Justice from the University of Tennessee – Chattanooga.

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