
Meeting 8: Task Force on Long Sentences

At CCJ’s Task Force on Long Sentences’ eighth meeting (September 7, 2022), members focused on prison programs and conditions for people serving long prison terms, defined by the Task Force as those of ten years or more. Task Force consultant Roger Przybylski (RKC Group) presented on prison programs, reentry, and release planning for longtermers.

Key Findings from the Presentation

  • Research shows that evidence-based programs in prison can reduce recidivism and victimization, are linked to reductions in disciplinary infractions in prisons and a safer environment, and produce a positive return on investment.
  • Obstacles such as housing restrictions that limit program accessibility, lack of incentives to participate in programming, and inadequate funding and facility staffing can affect program availability and participation.
  • There is an opportunity to promote desistance (the process of ceasing engagement in criminal activities) through evidence-based programs focused on the needs of longtermers, but prison policies must remove barriers for these and ensure proper implementation.

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