
CCJ Directory

Spurgeon Kennedy - Vice President, Crime and Justice Institute

Spurgeon Kennedy

Vice President, Crime and Justice Institute

Spurgeon Kennedy has over 40 years experience helping adult justice systems implement fair, legal, and effective practices that respect the rights of justice-involved individuals and the safety of local communities. Kennedy has provided technical assistance and support to local, state, and national justice systems and organizations on issues such as improving bail decision-making, implementing outcome and performance metrics, developing pretrial services agencies, alternatives to incarceration, system mapping, pretrial diversion, and work- and caseload analysis. He also has served as a facilitator and training faculty member for agencies at the federal, state, and local level.

Kennedy is the current President of the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA). He holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and master’s degree in Public Administration from the George Washington University.

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