
CCJ Directory

Quincy Booth, Director, District of Columbia, Department of Corrections

Quincy Booth

Director, District of Columbia, Department of Corrections

Quincy L. Booth, Director for the D.C. Department of Corrections (DCDOC), is a proven results-oriented and organizational development senior manager with over 15 years’ experience in D.C. Government operations including leadership/policy development roles in public safety.

Prior to being appointed Director by Mayor Muriel Bowser, Mr. Booth served as Management Support Deputy Director for DCDOC. During his two year tenure in this role, Mr. Booth implemented an organizational realignment for his division and expanded key functions including EEO, Diversity and Policy. Through his strong leadership and employee engagement, he shifted the division’s culture to a more customer/client-focused operation aimed at prioritizing the needs of the Department’s internal and external stakeholders.

As Chief of Staff in the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice, Mr. Booth collaborated with the District’s public safety agencies, other District agencies, City Council, and federal justice and interstate partners to provide expertise in strategic planning, government operations, and performance management. He also provided guidance in enhancing business processes and developing critical local and federal initiatives.

In the role of Deputy Director with the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC), Mr. Booth oversaw day to day operations and ensured effective engagement of the District’s criminal justice partners. He was also charged with compliance and monitoring of court involved juveniles designated to the DCDOC.

Throughout his career, Mr. Booth has demonstrated a passion and talent for consensus building and strengthening relationships within organizations and the community. As a Ward 8 resident, he has a deep and abiding dedication to the residents of the District of Columbia and continues mentoring disadvantaged youth and supporting organizations committed to providing services aimed at elevating this population.

Mr. Booth holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and a B.S. in Marketing.

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