
CCJ Directory

Keir Bradofrd-Grey, Partner, Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP

Keir Bradford-Grey

Partner, Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP

Keir Bradford-Grey began her tenure as the Chief Defender at the Defender Association of Philadelphia, which provides free legal representation for 70% of the people arrested in Philadelphia.

At the Defender Association, Ms. Bradford-Grey is focused on serving the citizens of Philadelphia and re-imagining the justice system by empowering communities to become more involved with the legal process. She is also committed to initiatives that support Defender clients in their efforts to successfully re-enter their communities after serving their time in prison.

Since 2015, Ms. Bradford-Grey has worked to establish community partnerships to advance client-centered representation, empower individuals to advocate for themselves at every stage of the system, and make communities stronger and safer. These efforts include bringing participatory defense – a community-driven criminal justice reform program – to Philadelphia and launching the Pre-Entry Coalition, an effort that connects Defender clients with critical resources that will keep them from being incarcerated before trial.