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Andrew Plepler - Environmental, Social and Governance Executive, Bank of America

Andrew Plepler

Environmental, Social and Governance Executive, Bank of America

Andrew Plepler is Bank of America’s Global Head of ESG, where he spearheads the company’s focus on environmental, social and governance issues. Plepler is responsible for a range of programs that embody the company’s ESG activities which align to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including its $300 billion environmental business commitment. Initiatives include focusing on financing the transition to low-carbon and other sustainable businesses, helping advance economic mobility for individuals and families in local communities and ensuring strong ESG governance and oversight across the business.

Plepler chairs the bank’s National Community Advisory Council, which for nearly fifteen years has brought together public, nonprofit and private sector leaders to provide external perspective and advise the bank on responsible business practices. Prior to joining Bank of America, Plepler served as senior vice president of Housing and Community Initiatives with the Fannie Mae Foundation. Plepler previously served as a trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice in the Tax Division and on Capitol Hill as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Plepler earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in government from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA, and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Miami School of Law in Coral Gables, FL.

Plepler founded and continues to serve on the board of the Washington, DC-based Urban Alliance Foundation, a nonprofit jobs and mentoring program that works with economically disadvantaged high school students. He also serves on the board of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) and Living Cities Inc. Plepler has three children and two stepchildren and lives with his wife in Charlotte, N.C. Follow @aplep.

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