ccj directory (1)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
  • Name: Angela Davis

    Job Title: Professor

    Company Name: American University Washington College of Law

  • Name: Nathan Deal

    Job Title: Former Governor

    Company Name: Georgia

  • Name: Louis Dekmar

    Job Title: Police Chief (ret.)

    Company Name: LaGrange, Georgia

  • Name: Brandon del Pozo

    Job Title: Assistant Professor of Medicine and Public Health

    Company Name: Brown University

  • Name: Nora Demleitner

    Job Title: President

    Company Name: St. John's College

  • Name: Steve Derene

    Job Title: Executive Director (ret)

    Company Name: National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators

  • Name: Craig DeRoche

    Job Title: President

    Company Name: Twelves Organization

  • Name: Adrian Diaz

    Job Title: Police Chief

    Company Name: Seattle Police Department

  • Name: Victor Dickson

    Job Title: President & CEO

    Company Name: Safer Foundation

  • Name: Marissa Dodson

    Job Title: In Memoriam

  • Name: Margaret Egan

    Job Title: Interim Chief Administrative Officer

    Company Name: Fountain House

  • Name: Lauren-Brooke Eisen

    Job Title: Director, Justice Program

    Company Name: Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law

294 Results