Homicide, Most Other Violent Crimes Fall Below Pre-Pandemic Levels in U.S. Cities
New CCJ analysis of 2024 crime trends also shows year-over-year decreases
in 12 of 13 offenses, with only reported shoplifting continuing its recent rise
New CCJ analysis of 2024 crime trends also shows year-over-year decreases
in 12 of 13 offenses, with only reported shoplifting continuing its recent rise
Homicide and most other violent crimes have fallen below pre-pandemic levels in a sample of 40 U.S. cities. CCJ’s year-end 2024 analysis also shows a year-over-year decrease in 12 of 13 major offenses, with shoplifting the lone exception.
New CCJ analysis of mid-year crime trends also shows year-over-year decreases in motor vehicle theft and carjacking,
while shoplifting continues to rise.
Homicide and most other violent crimes have dropped to or slightly below levels seen before the onset of the COVID pandemic. Mid-year 2024 analyses also show declines for 11 of 12 crime types compared to the first half of 2023.
Homicide and most other violent crime declined in American cities in 2023, but levels remain above those seen before the onset of the COVID pandemic and the widespread social justice protests of 2020.
This package of data and analysis examines long-term homicide trends in the U.S. It also explores possible explanations for the rise in murder seen in mid-2020 and, in most cities, its subsequent decline.