
CCJ Directory

Edward Latessa - In Memoriam

Edward Latessa

In Memoriam

Edward Latessa passed away in January 2022. The Council honors his memory, his influence on evidence-based corrections and the broader criminal justice field, and his role as a member of our organization. Dr. Latessa published more than 170 works in the area of criminal justice, corrections, and juvenile justice. He co-authored eight books, including What Works (and Doesn’t) in Reducing Recidivism, Corrections in the Community, and Corrections in America. Dr. Latessa directed more than 195 funded research projects and, with his staff, assessed more than 1,000 correctional programs across the United States. In 2020, the American Society of Criminology’s Division of Corrections and Sentencing honored him with its Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing his distinguished scholarship in corrections and sentencing.